Direct Booking Special

Best Available Rates

Book direct on our website and enjoy our best flexible rates & daily breakfast for two

Mulia Grandeur at Mulia Resort Nusa Dua Bali

Escape to the #1 Resort Hotels in Indonesia by Travel + Leisure World's Best Awards 2019.

Book direct on our website and enjoy our best rates.


Package Inclusion

Daily breakfast for two at The Cafe for Mulia Resort guests, The Lounge / Living Room for The Mulia & Mulia Villas guests.

For more information, please contact:
Reservation Team
E: [email protected]
T: +62 361 3017777

Exclusive Benefits

Daily afternoon tea with free-flow cocktails and 24/7 personal butler service for The Mulia and Mulia Villas guests

Additional Complimentary

Daily resort activities, in-room internet, access to Mulia Fitness Centre, Mulia Spa, and Mulia Kidz Club, plus bonus 500 Mulia Privilege points on your first stay

Terms & Conditions

  • For any revision in the length of stay, a new rate will be applied.
  • This offer cannot be combined with any other promotions.
  • Valid for new bookings at Mulia Resort / The Mulia / Mulia Villas in selected room categories and subject to room availability.
  • Blackout dates apply during special events, festivities, eves, and public holidays.
  • Booking window restrictions may apply.